Monday 11 May 2015

Go Green!

As part of the 'Challenge to Change' project our class composed, learned off my heart and performed a 'Go Green' rap.
It took us a few weeks to perfect but in the end it sounded great. The Green School Committee performed it at the 'Challenge to Change' exhibition in Kilkenny on the 30th of April.
Amy ans Ayomikun represented our class, and then told the rest of us all about it the next day in school.
Here are the words to our rap.
Go Green!
A rap about global warming by 4th class, Scoil Mhuire
It's time to make a change,
To stand up and fight,
Against global warming,
So shout with all your might,
'It's time to go green, to keep our planet clean!'
'It's time to go green, GO GREEN, GO GREEN!’
Verse 1
Hey listen up people,
We’re here to tell you how,
Our world is in danger, and we need to act now.
This is our planet, so let’s keep it clean, like we said before it’s time to go green!
There’s this thing called global warming, and its isn’t very cool,
Lots of greenhouse gases, that are trapping too much heat,
If it keeps getting hotter maybe the world will  fry ------like a piece of meat!
We may sound dramatic but there really are some problems,
If we all work together in no time we can solve ‘em!
Cause Climate change is bad,
It’s changing the seas,
The water is rising, and the animals are not pleased.
The ice is melting, as its getting warmer every year,
Without the Arctic ice, polar bears will fear.
As the water rises, it will take over the land,
And then the sea turtles can’t lay their eggs on sand.
Verse 2
You see crea----tures under the sea need cold water just like you and me,
Co---ral, krill, polar bears and seals,
If only they could speak, they would tell us how they feel!
They’d say they feel bad,
 That they have no homes,
So it’s time to help them now, they can’t fight alone!
So what can you do?
Well let’s start at home,
Make sure you recycle,
And dust off the bicycle!
When not in use turn the power off.
Hey you know, you’ll also save on costs.
Try to walk to school.
The golden boot’s cool.
And leave that car at home,
Hey there’s no need to moan!
Exer---cise it not just good for you,
Wait and see It’ll help the world too!
So we hope you’ve been listening,
To what we’re tryna  say,
Without a bit of effort
Climate change is here to stay!
So if you are with us,
Sing this nice and loud,
Scoil Mhuire, lets sing it proud!
‘It’s time to go green, to keep our planet clean, it’s time to go green go green go green!’

Boom Balm!

Over the past few weeks we have been busy making our own lip balm as part of the 'Bí Gnóthach' business project.

Our company name is Boom Balm & we have been very successful! We made over €600 in profit!

4th class were in charge of making 'Super Strawberry', 5th class 'Poppin' Passionfruit' and 6th class 'Blastin' Bubblegum'.

We made posters and Youtube ads to advertise and promote our product!

Tuesday 17 March 2015

World Book Day!

On Thursday 5th March, we celebrated World Book Day.

We brought in our favourite books and reviewed them for our classmates.

We gave most of our books a rating of 5 stars!

Here we are with our favourite books!

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Our Local History Project

Every class in the school completed a history project on an area of the local history of Clondalkin.

4th class researched information, and completed a project based on the shops of Clondalkin village, both past and present!

We worked together interviewing shopkeepers, teachers and parents and completing surveys as a way of gathering all of the information we needed. We also looked up information online and in library collections over the two weeks when we were preparing our project.

We learned lots of interesting things about what it was like to shop long ago in the village and also elsewhere in Ireland. Many of the shops in Clondalkin have changed over the years and new ones have been built and we learned the reasons for all of these changes!

Here are some pictures of our class completing and presenting the projects, take a look!

Here's a closer look at our displayed project!

We even made our own shops using old cardboard boxes, coloured card and cellophane!
Our shops included a tailors, bakeries, sweet shops, newsagents, an African shop and a cobblers!