Monday 24 November 2014

County Projects!

This month we completed group projects on various counties in Ireland.

Each group researched information on one of the following counties;

Kilkenny, Cork, Mayo, Galway, Kerry and Donegal.

We used the computer room to complete our research and we focused on the following topics;

  • The county's location (including map and county colours)
  • The History of the county
  • Geography
  • Places to visit
  • Things to do
  • Festivals
  • Sport
Here are some pictures of our groups with our finished projects, just after we presented them to the class!

Tuesday 4 November 2014

'Green Halloween'

On the 24th of October our school held a 'Green Halloween' fashion show. We had the chance to show the rest of the classes the brilliant costumes that we had designed and made ourselves, all out of recyclable materials!

We used a selection of recyclable materials such as plastic and cardboard boxes, plastic bags, cups and bottles, bottle caps, tin-foil, bubble-wrap, leaves, sticks and paper to create many different costumes including that of witches, devils, vampires, various bugs, and even a loom band board!

Have a look at the pictures below to see us hard at work making our costumes and then proudly wearing our finished products!

We hope you all had a Happy Halloween :)