Monday 24 November 2014

County Projects!

This month we completed group projects on various counties in Ireland.

Each group researched information on one of the following counties;

Kilkenny, Cork, Mayo, Galway, Kerry and Donegal.

We used the computer room to complete our research and we focused on the following topics;

  • The county's location (including map and county colours)
  • The History of the county
  • Geography
  • Places to visit
  • Things to do
  • Festivals
  • Sport
Here are some pictures of our groups with our finished projects, just after we presented them to the class!

Tuesday 4 November 2014

'Green Halloween'

On the 24th of October our school held a 'Green Halloween' fashion show. We had the chance to show the rest of the classes the brilliant costumes that we had designed and made ourselves, all out of recyclable materials!

We used a selection of recyclable materials such as plastic and cardboard boxes, plastic bags, cups and bottles, bottle caps, tin-foil, bubble-wrap, leaves, sticks and paper to create many different costumes including that of witches, devils, vampires, various bugs, and even a loom band board!

Have a look at the pictures below to see us hard at work making our costumes and then proudly wearing our finished products!

We hope you all had a Happy Halloween :)


Friday 17 October 2014

Dream Jars!

After reading and enjoying an extract from Roald Dahl's 'The BFG' we decided to design our own dream jars. Having discussed the best dreams we have ever had and the dreams we would love to have we wrote our own 'Phizzwizards' into our copies. After editing our work we then wrote our dreams on to a template of a jar and illustrated the dream according to how we thought it would look if it was in liquid form!

Take a look at some samples of our dreams!

Autumn Birch Trees

Our autumn paintings of birch trees were inspired by the painting of an artist named Gustav Klimt. We discussed the shapes and sizes of the trees and the colours and shading he used in his painting a 'Forest of Birch Trees' before beginning our own.

There were many steps involved in making our paintings. Here they are!

1. Draw a horizon on a sheet of A3 paper. Stick different lengths and widths of masking tape down the page in straight lines.

2. Sponge paint the whole page using watered down blue and yellow paint.

3. Leave to dry.

4. using short brush strokes and dabbing motions paint the tops of the trees and cover the ground with leaves of red, yellow, brown, and orange.

5. When the paint has dried, carefully peel the strips of masking tape off the page.

6. Shade the trunks of the trees with different shades of grey and add in the cracks along the bark.

7. Display proudly!


The Sponsored Walk!

On Thursday the 9th of october we went on our sponsored walk to Corkagh Park!

4th class had an important part to play in making sure the walk was a success by helping to look after the Senior Infant classes. We were very excited about this as many of us have brothers, sisters and cousins in these classes. We each had one or two buddies to look after and we had great fun with our new little friends on the walk and especially in the playground!

Here are some photos from the day :)


Saturday 11 October 2014

Introducing 4th Class!

We began the school year by drawing our self-portrait!

We discussed what size the various facial features should be before we began our drawing. We used pencil at first to draw a horizontal and vertical line across the head that we had drawn. We then added in each facial feature in the correct location and finally coloured with colouring pencils and crayons.

Take a look at our completed self-portraits!